Making my pieces

I thought it would be interesting to share a few photos of the processes in making my pieces of jewellery



The metal clay is first worked into the design
Pieces of silver or bronze ready for the kiln
The kiln all fired up - temperatures are 500-850'C depending on the metal. Or up to 800'C for glass
The metal looks quite alarming when first brought out
Bronze is put in charcoal and refired
Then I start working on refining
And polishing
Starting to put the pieces together
All finished!
Glass pieces look very crude before they go in the kiln
After up to 12 hours in the kiln, at various temperatures and rampings - jargon for the rate the kiln is heated up and the length of time it is held at that temperature, the pieces are ready to cool down and finishing touches
Again the pieces are finished with links and hooks, ready for wearing
Polymer clay is mixed and moulded into the design required and then baked at 110'C for 20 minutes
I put resin on to give the piece a shine, then it is ready for the final detail
Nearly done
And ready for you ....

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